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Friday, February 25, 2011

Assignment Blues

2:00 a.m.
Damn the god!!This programming assignment is taking my toll. Its the fifth day of the loop as:
gcc -g -lpthread progassignment.c -o program
error 1 : something missing here
error 2 : something missing there
error 3 : something not valid
and the list goes on .
"Welcome to the coding world".This is the message I could decipher. Struggling for last 5 hours and 4 days , I am unable to write this program without errors. If written without errors, it will not work properly and come with some creeps like segmentation fault and will not work properly.
4:00 a.m.
me: OK! Mr. Compiler , let me see what you get this time.

Hell! was the prompt reply.

Again a failure.Why am I such a loser?And the Megamind comes to rescue
"There is a benefit to losing.You get to learn from your mistakes."Fine! I'll go on learning forever.But not at expense of my daily life.I am missing my breakfast and morning classes because of this assignment. Who the hell cares? Even the bloody partner of mine is sleeping soundly right now.
I want to write a story,listen to music and shout right now.Not doing this piece of code.

Should I go to sleep? or may be take a walk and enjoy the cool breeze outside?

6:00 a.m.
Mr. Compiler! See the code now.Whatever the hell you say about it, I am not going to review it again.At least not now.If something creeps up I'll look in the evening.

And the reply was surprising. The code worked perfectly and drowsiness loomed over me.Finally I am free from the cacophony of multi-threading,client-server etc.A perfect happy sleep. Ok ! one more day of missed breakfast and classes but it doesn't matter.