Movies like Terminator, I-Robot and not to forget the "chitti" Robot have always fascinated me. I was always all ears for news relating to Asimo and QRIO. After being an IITian my first encounter with Robotics Club was a disaster all the techno stuff was enormously overflowing.My sordid affairs with academics didn't help either.
All these changed when I was summoned to IITJ Robotics Lab for my Summer Internship.Now I am working on an SBC(Single Board Computer) RB-100.Though I have not made a rapid progress but I am in love with this board. I have already installed Debian Operating-System with Xfce GUI.I will soon post details regarding my work once I get hold of the photographs.
Right now I am trying to run servo motor with it but a motor is burnt right now.Watch out this space for installation tutorial which I think will be effective as I have failed 42 times.
Right now I am trying to run servo motor with it but a motor is burnt right now.Watch out this space for installation tutorial which I think will be effective as I have failed 42 times.